To see and check event viewer do python following: click start type event viewer on search box click on event viewer expand python windows logs option select python system option check python events that give you warnings or errorshi Fidelis, i did what you said and i discovered some google update file failed and it saids that python file can’t be found!Do you’ve an idea what was it?Open Event Viewer and search for messages/reasonsS/home windows vista/Open Event ViewerIt can be that your laptop is overheating and it shuts off as a result of python that. How along ago was it since you did maintenance to python hardware remove python dust, cleaned it, etc. A system Monitoring software can log every thing in your PC so when it shuts down after reboot that you can check python log and find about what came about. Like python planes’ blackbox. Last night an old friend from python Scrum Alliance told me that Im being quoted as saying that only 30% python all teams and groups that use Scrum might be a hit. I contemplated this.

By mark